
Smx mod 7 days to die
Smx mod 7 days to die

  • Tempered Blade – This tempered blade increases damage and durability for blades.
  • Probably works with “feel the heat” at setting zeds on fire.
  • Weapon Flashlight – Installs into any firearm.
  • Trigger Group: Semi – Modified the trigger group to fire semi auto only.
  • Trigger Group: Full Auto – Modified the trigger group to fire full auto only.
  • Trigger Group: Burst – Modified the trigger group to fire 3 round bursts.
  • Laser Sight – Helps with aiming quickly and increases accuracy when firing from the hip.
  • Shotgun Duckbill – Tightens the shotguns spread.
  • Silencer – A sound suppresser greatly reduces the firing sound but reduces maximum range and damage.
  • smx mod 7 days to die

  • Shotgun Choke – Modifies the spread to a horizontal pattern instead of the normal round one.
  • 2,4,8X Scope – Increases visual magnification when aiming.
  • Rod and spring replacement – Increases the rate of fire on self-loading weapons and increases recoil.
  • Retracting Stock – Improves weapon handling while moving or firing from the hip because the weapon becomes more manageable in close quarters.
  • Reflex Sight – Minor visual magnification but designed for fast target acquisition.
  • Polymer String – Arrows and bolts fly quicker and further with this modification.
  • Muzzle Brake – Diverts the propellant gases to reduce recoil.
  • Its not a one way trip for the time being.
  • Sawed off barrel – Sawn off barrel for the shotgun.
  • Possibly does more damage to animals with it on your gun. Possibly removes radiation looking at the name. Possibly does more damaged to certain zombies? I havent got a clue maybe toxic damage over time?

    smx mod 7 days to die

    I believe this one freezes enemies from time to time. I believe its basically incendiary rounds for your gun.

  • Magazine Extender – Increases magazine capacity.
  • Foregrip – Improves handling and aiming accuracy.
  • Flash Suppressor – A flash suppressor reduces the muzzle flash making it easier for you to see and harder to be seen.
  • Barrel Extender – Increases damage, range & aimed accuracy but makes the weapon more unwieldy when fired from the hip.
  • Everything here is subject to change within the coming weeks when patches go out. This is a list of all mods that I can find within the game right now and what items I could find them compatible with.

    Smx mod 7 days to die