Now, that may sound like a lot, but these tasks are often things you'll do anyway as part of certain quests and random exploration of the game.

These achievements are: '4' will be unlocked while leveling your character up to level '50', '1' for increasing any of your skills to level '100', '2' for finding all '13' Standing Stones, '2' for absorbing '20' Dragon Souls, '2' for learning one word of all '20' Shouts, '2' for completing side-quests and objectives, '2' for completing some manual tasks, '1' for successfully performing all three types of speech challenge, '1' for buying a house, '1' for getting married, '1' for picking '50' locks and '50' pockets, '1' for escaping from jail, '1' for accumulating '100,000' gold, '1' for having a '1,000' gold bounty in each hold, '1' for discovering '100' locations, '1' for clearing '50' dungeons, and finally, '1' for reading '50' of the '70' available skill books.